Light, we think at the moment, is simply the propagation of an electromagnetic field. Due to diffraction and space time warping it does not travel in a straight line. Much of the work here is created by diffracting and reflecting surfaces which shape the image that is captured on a projection surface and photographed.
Heffecito Presenta una Exposición Publica
21 Septiembre 2024
Presentación de la primera obra de la serie Criptografía
“¿Adonde Vamos?”
All truth is elucidated by experiment. Logic and method assist, however, a reality whom can not be reproduced by endless endeavor is simply a conjecture withering in the Sun, soon to be the rags with which we wipe our shoes. Heffecito
Light reflecting from surfaces with texture varies its intensity according to a number of factors including the dielectric properties of the surface, roughness, absorbtivity, and others. For a first order analysis of a perfect curved surface with a fixed incidence of light, or a planar surface with a variable lighting field, the intensity behaves similarly to the equations attached.
In this way, the image of reflected light from a textured surface is simply influenced by the topography.
Metallic foil reflecting ambient light. All colors of the image are a function of reflections of a textured surface.